The Benefits of Neurodiversity in Innovation and Problem-Solving

Let’s explore the benefits that neurodiverse individuals bring to innovation and problem-solving within the corporate environment.
How to Foster an Inclusive Environment for Neurodiverse Employees

Practical strategies that organisations can adopt to better support neurodiverse employees and foster a culture of inclusivity
The Basics of Neurodiversity – Understanding the Spectrum in the Workplace

Understanding and embracing neurodiversity is not just a matter of social responsibility; it is a strategic imperative that can drive innovation and enhance organisational performance.
How the Best Bosses Interrupt Bias in Their Teams

Companies spend millions on antibias training each year in hopes of creating more-inclusive—and thereby innovative and effective—workforces. But research shows that bias-prevention programs aren’t delivering. This article looks at strategies managers can use to counter bias (and avoid its negative effects) without spending a lot of time or political capital.